24/7 CFE: One of the possible strategic options for Taiwan to achieve net-zero
The latest CCPI (Climate Change Performance Index) results were announced on November 20, 2024, with the top 3 positions left vacant and Taiwan ranking 60th overall. The climate mitigation performance is assessed in four categories: GHG Emissions, Renewable Energy, Energy Use and Climate Policy. Taiwan’s ranking of 62nd, 43rd, 59th, and 39th respectively in these categories suggests that ...
24/7 CFE: One of the possible strategic options for Taiwan to achieve net-zero
The latest CCPI (Climate Change Performance Index) results were announced on November 20, 2024, with the top 3 positions left vacant and Taiwan ranking 60th overall. The climate mitigation performa...
IEK360: Taiwanese Businesses in Emerging Markets Must Pay Attention to New Carbon Pricing Rules
Following the EU's implementation of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), countries including the UK, the US, and Australia are following suit with their own carbon tax plans. CBAM wil...
2024 HLF Summit Introduction: Innovation Ecosystems for Resilient Society
Stephen Su, Senior Vice President of the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) and as the Co-Chair for the 2024 HLF Summit hosted in Taiwan for the first time, delivered the introductory ...