2020 IEKTopics|Taking Part in a Romantic Societal Transformation

IC Devices & Technologies, IC Industry, Upstream Materials for Electronics Industry, Upstream Materials for Electronics Industry, 3C and Emerging Key Components, 3C and Emerging Key Components, IC Applications & Markets, Net Zero – Sustainable Energy, Battery Application Markets, Technical & Industrial Trends, Battery Application Markets, Technical & Industrial Trends, Emerging Business Opportunities in Satellite Communication and Broadband Network, 5G/6G Communication Key Technologies and Applications, Digital Sustainability, Smart Living and Applications, Digital Sustainability, Smart Living and Applications, China Industries and Technologies Outlook, Smart machine tools and key components, AI Automation and Intelligent Robotics (include UAV/Drone), The Technology and Potential Business Opportunities In Automotive Components Industry, Technology and Business Opportunities in Autonomous Driving, Connected Vehicles and Automotive Electronics, The technology and business opportunities of xEV and low-emission vehicle, Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity Technology and Applications, IoT Technology, Emerging Application and Strategy, IoT Technology, Emerging Application and Strategy, Display, Sensor Technologies and Applications, Petrochemical and New Materials Industry, Special and Green Chemistry, Medical Device and the Materials, Smart Medical, Healthcare, Precision Medicine and Biotech & Supplements & Cosmetics, High Technology Equipment and Advanced Manufacturing Process, Industrial Economy and Science and Technology Policy of Vital Countries, Net Zero – Smart Energy Efficiency, The Practice of ESG-driven for Smart City and Business Transformation, The Practice of ESG-driven for Smart City and Business Transformation, Analysis of Global AI Innovation Technologies and Industry Trends, Market Trend and Industry Development in Emerging Markets, Interdisciplinary Technology Foresight and Service Innovation, Interdisciplinary Technology Foresight and Service Innovation, Startups, M&A and Innovation Scouting, High frequency application materials, Global Market Trend and Industry Opportunities, Energy Systems Integration and Emerging Applications

Report Outlook

Issues concerning generation are usually very subjective. Determined leaders are crucial to cross-generation innovation as they can successfully utilize limited resources to complete missions with conflicting objectives. The process of innovation is a romantic one: cross-generation innovators are resolute about their ideals and guard their core values determinately. They do not talk about motive and incentives, nor do they have thorough plans, supporting measures or verification mechanisms.

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